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The Modern Love podcast is back with a whole new season of stories. In our premiere, we introduce you to our new host, Anna Martin, who has a question for listeners: What is the one song that taught you about love as a teenager?
In Lisa Selin Davis’s essay “What Lou Reed Taught Me About Love,” she writes about how the song “I’ll Be Your Mirror” became the soundtrack to her summer romance with a floppy-haired “rocker kid” who inadvertently helped her find healing. Then, we hear from Times staff members about the songs that influenced them as teens, and the memories — funny, empowering, nostalgic — that they carry with them.
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Share your teenage anthem with us
If this episode sparks memories of a song from your teenage years, we would love to hear from you. Please send a voice recording with your song choice and story to, or leave us a voice mail message at (212) 589-8962. We will add your song to our Spotify playlist, and we may use an excerpt from your story in an upcoming episode.
NOTE: By leaving us a message, you are agreeing to be governed by The New York Times reader submission terms and agreeing that we may use, and allow others to use, your name, voice and message.
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Meet your new host: Anna Martin
ANNA MARTIN is the host and a producer of the Modern Love podcast. Her middle name is “Ming Ai” — roughly translated from Mandarin to “understanding love” — which she thinks makes her a natural fit for the role. Previously, she produced live shows and podcasts at places like Pop-Up Magazine, The Moth, Slate and This American Life. She lives in Brooklyn and, most days, can be found on the Q train.
The song that taught Anna about love, “Just the Way You Are,” was introduced to her by her father, a die-hard Billy Joel fan. It taught her never to dye her hair (advice she has since forgone), but also, that love means accepting another person in their totality (advice she has since taken).
Hosted by: Anna Martin
Produced by: Julia Botero, Hans Buetow and Anna Martin
Edited by: Sara Sarasohn
Executive Producer: Wendy Dorr
Engineered by: Elisheba Ittoop
Music by: Dan Powell
Narrated by: Kirsten Potter
Founder, Modern Love: Daniel Jones
Editor, Modern Love Projects: Miya Lee
Special thanks: Danya Issawi, Isabelia Herrera, Mahima Chablani, Renan Borelli, Jeffrey Miranda, Julia Simon, Lisa Tobin, Sam Dolnick and Ryan Wegner at Audm.
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