37 members of AROPL, claiming legal asylum in Turkey, including vulnerable elderly women and children, disabled and many with chronic diseases, diabetic heart patients (suffered strokes) who live together to support each other have been Informed by the Immigration office by the end of JULY 24 they MUST move to 18 designated locations across Turkey or face deportation.
Details of some of the health conditions vulnerable members of AROPL as per the PDF attachment
This is despite them obtaining work in the local area and living peacefully in the local community. They have already faced 6 months in abusive detention after being beaten back at the border with Bulgaria, when claiming legal asylum as supported by an open letter form over 25 NGOs.
Members of AROPL making plea for legal asylum in Turkey
The Govt is offering no relocation or housing support for people with meager resources. In order for them to protect their asylum status they have expressed their willingness to comply as otherwise their resident permits will be revoked and they will become illegal aliens.
However, this will result in vulnerable elderly women and disabled who speak no Turkish to be left on the streets, totally isolated from their community support base and care providers, with no way to provide themselves housing or financial support.
The case has been raised to the UNHCR and special rapporteurs by at least 10 NGOS, headed up by W Fautre of HRWF, who signed an open letter but to date there has been no response from the Head immigration department in Ankara and therefore no resolution for them.
Please see hyperlink for the details>>>
The alternative is to face deportation to their countries of origin. The Turkish Govt knows this very well and the UN previously issued a statement about AROPL to declare they should not be deported under any circumstances.
==Under international human rights law, the principle of non-refoulement **guarantees that no one should be re-turned to a country where they would face torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and other irreparable harm**.==
As theses AROPL members derive from Iraq and Iran they will face almost certain execution for their beliefs deemed heretical especially by the extremist fundamental Islamic scholars. These so called scholars have already issued fatwa or edicts to kill members of our faith. Many have faced attacks on their lives already with their houses shot up and being attacked with machete and forced to take anti-psychotic drugs.
This is because AROPL believe alcohol is permissible, there is no formal prayer, the Quran we have today is not in its original form, the Kaaba is in Petra not Mecca, the hijab is not mandatory and the Islamic calendar is wrong.
This disturbing and unfolding scenario has already been reported in the following article by the academia by Bitter Winter.
Here are more details of the back story and persecution of the AROPL religion and members of the faith.
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