And the overnight news from Ukraine.
‘The accumulated loss’
Nearly 60 million American adults — or about one of out every four — remain unvaccinated against Covid-19. They have made an irrational choice that exposes them to severe illness. But they have also made a choice with a long historical tradition.
In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Biden declared, “We will never give up on vaccinating more Americans.” And Biden is right that a continued vaccination campaign can do a lot of good, given that a large majority of Covid deaths and hospitalizations are still occurring among the unvaccinated and unboosted. The question, of course, is what arguments might win over any vaccine skeptics at this point.
Weekly hospitalization rates for U.S. adults
Today, I want to use history — with some help from the filmmaker Ken Burns — to answer that question.
A West African pioneer
The original American advocate for inoculation against severe disease was arguably an enslaved man named Onesimus. Before being forcibly brought to Boston, Onesimus seems to have lived in West Africa, where inoculation was a common practice. There, he had been deliberately infected with a small amount of smallpox to make him immune from a more severe version.
In Boston, Onesimus told his owner, Cotton Mather, about the practice. Mather was among the colonies’ most prominent religious leaders in the 1720s. He was also keenly interested in science, as Burns told me when we spoke recently. Today, science and religion are often considered antithetical, Burns noted, but past religious leaders were scientific pioneers.
When smallpox began spreading in Boston in the 1720s, Mather campaigned for residents to be inoculated — and was met with fierce criticism and even an attempt to bomb his home. Some Bostonians argued that inoculation violated God’s will. Others, including doctors, argued that it was folklore that would do more harm than good.
These arguments were powerful because inoculation was so counterintuitive. Mather was claiming that people could avoid getting sick … by getting sick.
Modern vaccination is somewhat less counterintuitive, because drugs can now teach the immune system to respond to a deadly virus, without having to use small amounts of an actual virus. But vaccination is still a strange notion. It involves the injection of a mysterious cocktail of foreign substances into the human body.
That’s why nearly every new vaccine — even the life-changing polio vaccine — has had its skeptics. The skepticism has increased in recent decades, as Americans have become less trusting of institutions and experts, as Elena Conis, a medical historian, has written.
Historically, the two most effective responses to vaccine skepticism have been government mandates and relentless, calm persuasion. But broad Covid-vaccine mandates are probably unrealistic in the U.S. today, thanks to a combination of a Supreme Court ruling and widescale public opposition. Persuasion will probably have to do most of the work.
Persuasion tends to require taking seriously the concerns of skeptics and creating opportunities for doctors, nurses, relatives, friends and other trusted people to explain why vaccination can be counterintuitive and yet lifesaving. “As a doctor, I was always trained you never give up on people — you show up,” Dr. Vivek Murthy, the surgeon general, told me yesterday. “You build trust by listening to people, helping them feel they’re respected and valued.”
Franky Franklin
In Mather’s time, one such evangelist for inoculation was Benjamin Franklin. Along with several other founders — including George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson — Franklin himself was persuaded. Yet he still had a tragic relationship with smallpox inoculation.
As the disease was sweeping through Philadelphia in 1736, he and his wife, Deborah, initially decided not to inoculate their 4-year-old son Francis, known as Franky. The boy was sick with a cold and the Franklins worried that his body would not be able to handle the side effects of inoculation. Soon, though, Franky contracted smallpox and died.
“This is the great tragedy of Franklin’s life,” Burns told me. “Deborah and Benjamin Franklin were just beset by this mistake they made even though it was completely understandable.” (Burns has just posted a six-minute “extra” film clip about Franky and inoculation, and it’s powerful. Next month, PBS will air Burns’s new documentary, “Benjamin Franklin.”)
When rumors spread in Philadelphia that Franky had died from the inoculation rather than the disease itself, Franklin took the painful step of writing the true story in his newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette. In the years that followed, he tried to persuade others to avoid his family’s fate.
“Surely parents will no longer refuse to accept and thankfully use a discovery God in his mercy has been pleased to bless mankind with,” Franklin wrote, in a pro-inoculation pamphlet. “For the loss of one in 10 thereby is not merely the loss of so many persons, but the accumulated loss of all the children and children’s children the deceased might have had, multiplied by successive generations.”
In the U.S. today, the death toll from Covid has exceeded 950,000, and many of those deaths occurred after vaccines were available. It is a tragic pattern that’s consistent with history: Vaccination tends to be both counterintuitive and highly effective.
More on the virus:
Biden’s new pandemic plan includes “test to treat,” which allows people who test positive at a pharmacy to get treatment pills on the spot.
Scientists are beginning to understand how Covid kills our sense of smell.
Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia says he still has symptoms, two years after his infection.
New Zealand is grappling with its first major outbreak.
Russia-Ukraine War
The Russian invasion seems to be making its biggest gains in the south. Russian forces captured Kherson, a strategic port, yesterday. (These maps have more details.)
Russia has continued to attack major cities, creating a humanitarian crisis. More than a million people have fled since the war began a week ago.
A Russian convoy close to Kyiv seems to be making little progress, according to the British Defense Ministry, which cited “staunch Ukrainian resistance, mechanical breakdown and congestion.”
About 20 countries, most of which are NATO or E.U. members, are sending arms into Ukraine, risking retaliation from Russia.
Echo of Moscow, a liberal Russian radio station, is shutting down as part of the Kremlin’s renewed crackdown on dissent.
China asked Russia not to invade Ukraine until after the Beijing Olympics, Western officials said.
Athletes from Russia and Belarus will not be allowed to compete in the Paralympics.
Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, said Russian troops were “confused children” who don’t know why they were in Ukraine.
“We will fight to the last breath,” Zelensky’s top aide writes in Times Opinion.
The Fed intends to raise interest rates this month to cool inflation.
The Jan. 6 committee said there was evidence to conclude that Donald Trump may have committed crimes to try to stay in office.
Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia outlined a spending plan, including climate policies, that he could support.
Other Big Stories
The levels of brutality experienced by detainees at Rikers Island over the past year might have been even worse than known.
Fitbit is recalling its Ionic smart watch after reports of overheating batteries.
Police officers removed a pilot who seemed to be drunk from the cockpit of a JetBlue flight.
Workers at an REI store in New York City voted to unionize.
Michelle Cottle visited the Villages, Florida’s Disney for retirees and a MAGA stronghold.
Don’t end someone’s career over a passing tweet, John McWhorter argues.
In Ukraine, Putin’s propaganda machine has fallen clownishly flat, says Farhad Manjoo.
V.I.P.: Welcome to Friends With Benefits, the “anti-crypto crypto club.”
Wedding Wednesdays: Couples are booking their big day during the week.
A Times classic: The truth about intermittent fasting.
Advice from Wirecutter: These tights can withstand zippers, Velcro and fingernails.
Lives Lived: Autherine Lucy Foster’s quest to become the first Black graduate of the University of Alabama lasted a few days before the school suspended and later expelled her. Her fight led to sustained integration there. She died at 92.
Modernizing the past
Two new stage productions in New York — “The Merchant of Venice” and “Black No More” — try to bring contemporary ideas of racism and Black identity into texts from the past.
In Arin Arbus’s adaptation of “The Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare, the character Shylock, an antisemitic caricature of a Jewish moneylender, is now also Black. Arbus has turned Shylock into “the tragic heart of the play,” rather than its antagonist, the Times critic Maya Phillips writes. But because the production stays loyal to the text, its racial commentary comes only through pauses and glances that bend the story “in directions it can’t actually go,” Phillips writes.
“Black No More” does deviate from its original text, a satirical 1931 novel by George S. Schuyler about a man who undergoes a procedure that turns Black people white. The book features few sympathetic characters of any race; people act in their self-interest. But the musical, directed by Scott Elliott, softens the book’s biting critique, giving characters redemptive arcs.
“Though each production brings art from the past to the present, sometimes in brilliant ways, the antiquated plots, themes and characters aren’t always easy to recontextualize,” Phillips writes. “The past pushes back.”
What to Cook
The trick to this one-pot pasta with sausage and spinach is seasoning the water with cumin.
What to Read
“By the time you read this, I’ll have killed one of your husbands.” A country holiday goes awry in Gilly Macmillan’s novel “The Long Weekend.”
What to Watch
The directors Bong Joon Ho and Ryusuke Hamaguchi talk about the best-picture nominee “Drive My Car.”
Late Night
The hosts recapped Biden’s annual “status update.”
Now Time to Play
The pangram from yesterday’s Spelling Bee was flagpole. Here is today’s puzzle — or you can play online.
Here’s today’s Wordle. Here’s today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Doubtful (four letters).
If you’re in the mood to play more, find all our games here.
Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David
P.S. Hannah Dreier, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her coverage of the MS-13 gang, is joining The Times.
Here’s today’s front page.
“The Daily” is about Russia’s military strategy. “Sway” features Jon Stewart.
Claire Moses, Ian Prasad Philbrick, Tom Wright-Piersanti, Ashley Wu and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at