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Fearing that a romantic attachment in later life will lead to full-time caregiving, many couples are choosing commitment without sharing a home. About three...
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The only thing that is surprising is that we are surprised – writes Clemens Calice the CEO of Cygnum Capital Partners, a leading EM...
Mr Chambers worked with Transport for London to open London’s abandoned ‘ghost’ tube stations as tourist attractions and multiipurpose venues but claims he was...
Impact Solutions Advisors are proud to announce a new partnership with the Malkia Initiative, a women-led community organization working in the Kajiado region of...
Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is fundamentally reshaping the business landscape by integrating advanced digital technologies such as IoT, artificial...
Fearing that a romantic attachment in later life will lead to full-time caregiving, many couples are choosing commitment without sharing a home. About three...
In this article, writes Vidya S Sharma, Ph.D., I wish (a) to highlight the ferocity of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in...
While the world community is trying to learn how to live in a new world, created by the global COVID-19 pandemic, tectonic shifts in...
Princess Camilla of Bourbon-Sicilies has placed on account funds to discharge the entirety of the two million pound fine ordered by a Jersey court...
How to deal with forgetfulness, and embrace your mind’s new ‘superpowers.’ I’ve been playing a not-so-fun guessing game lately: Is my inability to form...